
Guatemalan artisans have long been revered for their exceptional craftsmanship and rich cultural heritage. In recent years, international arts communities have recognized the significance of showcasing their authentic work to a global audience. Tikal Canal not only provides a platform for Guatemalan artisans to showcase their talents but also facilitates cultural exchange and promotes vital economic development within communities. By partnering with local artisans, this initiative creates opportunities for them to preserve and pass down traditional techniques while adapting them to contemporary designs. Through workshops, exhibitions, and collaborations, our international arts and community engagement initiative not only celebrates the artistic prowess of Guatemalan artisans but also fosters cross-cultural appreciation, creating bridges of understanding and appreciation between diverse communities worldwide.


From San Pablo La Laguna, Sololá.

He is dedicated to tattooing and  illustrating in different mediums. He works with oil, carbon, and is also a talented digital illustrator. Mayan culture inspired murals are one of his specialties.

His works come from the transformation and evolution from the Tzutujil Mayan cosmovision and focuses on the environment and geopolitical events.

His art is sometimes bizarre yet clear. Always pleasant, harmonious and easy to ingest.

His work can be seen at galleries, festivals and in open air spaces.